I found gram alive up island & a couple of ousins |
my baby sis you were so cute this looked like U |
oldest neice has two little ones
great neice |
great nephew |
nephew L jr |
mom and me |
nephew B mechanic |
neice's baby |
neice R baby getting around |
nephew AJ |
neice HL |
Uncle R retired |
thought you might go fishing |
aumt J call me |
Miss U Uncle M |
hope that your FM is better now |
big brother's family |
big bros. |
SIL F watch over big bros. please |
brother B sister-in-law R |
next bros down from me |
Sister N loves sweets |
Lil sis I with ex-Husband-L |
the baby of my family |
now he is all grown with his own family |
SIL J thumbs up to you too |
Bros J and SIL J |
found Rich, my nephew by way of this web site |
we will be glad to meet Rich's wife |
My big Brother was in army |
Bros B could ride trikes, 3 wheel or one LoL |
My photo album will be here for those interested.
They look different than this. We're creating this photo album
to keep track of our favorite photos & share our memories with relatives & friends all over the world. Look hard you
may see some that you know.
Thanks for taking the time please be sure to sign my guestbook.
Bear tubes
more bears tubes from Tube Territory
this is just one family of cousins |
aunt E so glad to hear from you |
I hope to hear from these 2 soon |
Paul looking forward to hearing you sing again |
Deb ty for the bears |
happy that Paul found you |
Murielle |
just a couple of them in Ottawa |
looking for more pix as I can so many of them. |
they love to sing & play guitar |
lots more coming |
I can hardly wait till September 2008 we are going to have a family reunion in Ottawa all of the family are invited will
be back with more pix then
don't forget to come see who is added.
My Dear Daughter |
dear son A singing |
My Dear Daughter |
my baby |
do you really go fishing? |
A grown up |
some of these bears come from tube territory
nephew r neices r & r |
other nephew r |